Ministry of Helpers

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Find and hire a domestic helper online

  • Search from over 7000 maid profiles available for employment now.
  • Match and hire direct or transfer maids online yourself!
  • Largest helper database to find the best maid in Singapore.
Start your helper search now!

Better connections make better homes


Ministry of helpers Singapore
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Reduce your costswhen hiring a domestic helper in Singapore

Find and hire a helper and do the paperwork yourself from just $16.58/month. This premium plan gives you full access to our services beyond matching into managing and development.
Through your personal dashboard, we will guide you through the hiring journey. Once your helper is onboard, use our household management features to create a better home.
About Ministry of helpers

Schedule your day with our household management tools

What should your helper be doing on a daily basis?
Effective time management is essential for both employers and domestic helpers in Singapore. Using our app, you can easily schedule interviews and meetings, add tasks, create grocery lists, track time, and see what's due with our new and improved Scheduler!
helpers in Ministry of helpers

Share views, questions and

job listings on our online Forum

The forum is a group discussion platform for all employers and domestic helpers in Singapore to chat, ask questions, and get advice on related topics.